July is VBS month on the HOM/MICECC campuses. 700 children are participating  in Bible lessons, crafts, games and fellowship. In addition to learning and enjoying being with friends, each child receives a nutritious lunch each day. VBS is a wonderful activity for youth while our four schools are closed for summer break. 


Peacekeeping Help for Haiti. In late June, a group of 400 Kenyan police officers arrived in Haiti, the first part of an international security force coming to provide support for Haiti’s police and military.  


Solar Power is coming to the Repatriote campus. We will be contracting with a locally owned Haitian company to pilot solar power on this campus, with the eventual goal of implementing this natural energy source at other sites.  


Maintenance Continues. During the summer months, our construction and maintenance staff are busy making needed repairs and upgrades in the classrooms. Deck and chair repair and painting projects keep our staff busy. 


Clinic Cares. Over 800 patients were cared for in our medical clinic in June, and most were new to us. With many local clinics shutting their doors due to the ongoing violence, our clinic offers the only affordable health care in the area. Many thanks to our staff for continuing to serve under very challenging conditions.